The best hotels for 18+ booking is the ideal site for those between 18-21 year old looking for hotels that will let them check in.

Frequent Questions about

Which hotels allow 18 year olds to check-in?

Most hotels do not allow anyone younger than 21 to check in. The local managers of the hotel usually decides if 18 year olds are permitted to book a room. The best way to find these 18+ hotels is to search on We list thousands of hotels that have an age restrictions under 21. You can also verify the age limit on the hotel page. Finding age limit for hotels

How old do you have to be to book a hotel in the United States?

A 21 year old will be able to book a hotel trouble free in just about every situation. A few hotels will also let 18-20 year olds book. Under 18 year olds are unlikely to be able to book outside of hostels. At, we've already found thousands of hotels that allow 18-20 year olds to book a room.

Do hotels need to see your ID before you check in?

Almost all hotels will need to see your ID, Drivers License, or Passport before you are allowed to check in. The name on your ID will have to match the name on the credit card you are using to book.

Can I pay cash for a hotel room?

Only in rare circumstances will a hotel let you pay cash for a room. Sometimes they might require you to put down a sizeable deposit before you check in. Hotels do this to protect their interests in the situation that someone damages the hotel room.

Can 18+ year olds book an Airbnb?

Yes, 18 year olds can book an Airbnb as an alternative to hotels. The mimimum age at Airbnb is 18 and hosts cannot increase or decrease it. You will have to prove your age with identification.

How to improve your chances of booking a hotel at 18?

We don't recommend you try to stay at a hotel that doesn't openly accept young adults, but some people have reported that paying for a hotel ahead of time with a credit card will get you in even if you're not sure of the age requirements. Many times the clerk checking you in won't even notice your birth date at all.